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Ozone injection mixing system device

The ozone injection mixing system device allows ozone to pass through a Venturi device, where the fluid experiences an increase in flow velocity as it passes through a reduced cross-sectional area, with the flow velocity being inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area. According to Bernoulli's principle, the increase in flow velocity is accompanied by a decrease in fluid pressure, which means that low pressure is generated near the high-speed flowing fluid, creating an adsorption effect. This is followed by entering the injection device, where the ozone-mixed water is combined with bypass raw water.


Product Description

  The ozone injection mixing system device allows ozone to pass through a Venturi device, where the fluid experiences an increase in flow velocity as it passes through a reduced cross-section, with the flow velocity being inversely proportional to the cross-section. According to Bernoulli's principle, the increase in flow velocity is accompanied by a decrease in fluid pressure, which means that a low pressure is generated near the high-speed flowing fluid, resulting in an adsorption effect. This is followed by entering the injection device, where the ozone-mixed water is combined with bypass raw water.




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